Sponsor Vendor Registration

Sponsor and Vendor Registration

To our vendors and sponsors:

In order to have the most effective route for our “attendees” to find you, we will be presenting the sponsors down the event screen under the information to the attendees.  We will be scrolling the vendors logos/pictures across the bottom of the event page plus we will have all of you listed by category in a separate area of the events section.  The attendee can click on your logo or your name listed, and they will be sent to whatever “link” you give us, your choice.  It can go directly to your website, a video or site you have created for them which you then link to your website.  This is totally flexible for you.  Click here (or below) for the form to fill out which will give you the information you need to provide to us and once completed and submitted, it will give us the information to embed into our website.  Your form must be submitted no later than Friday, July 20, 2020.

The winner’s name for your door prize will be provided to you to contact for an appointment to meet.  We will be distributing this to well over 2,000 potential guests and we are asking each of you, our sponsors, and our members to send this out to clients, business associates, affiliations through church, friends, family, etc.

Registration Link

How do I become a Volunteer?